Tuesday 22 December 2009

Login to rubyCAS from a form

Now, as with most places, the root url for our site points at the signup-form. It's there to tempt new users to join us and start creating a new dating site immediately.
But our existing users will usually hit this page first too. Again like most other sites, we don't want to force them to click 'login' and go to some other page to fill in their credentials; so we have a login box on the signup form so they are one click away from getting to the real site.

Now, when you look at the rubyCAS implementation - all you're given is a login_url method that you can put into a link and sends you to the rubyCAS login page.

At first glance, this looks a bit like you're forced to do the login waltz:
click login... which takes you to the rubyCAS-server... you type your credentials into the box... you get redirected back to the site you really want... and one-two-three, and one-two-three...

Luckily there's a way to get your site to send credentials to the CAS-server from a controller-action, and redirect them straight on to the page they really want - so you can look like you're seamlessly logging them in without even touching the rubyCAS-server... and no, you don't even need to set your app up as a proxy server[1]. :)

The following shows how to use the existing configured CAS-server details to create a login action that will:

  1. Send the given login details to the configured rubyCAS-server for the current environment
  2. If it fails, will re-show the 'new' page (assuming that the login-form is on the same page) with a 'login failed' notice
  3. If it worked, will redirect to a url that you provide... with the new CAS-ticket appended, thus properly logging the user in.
  # assuming that the signup-actions are in the same controller, 
  # you'll probably have a filter like this
  before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter, :except => [:new, :create, :cas_login]
  def cas_login
    credentials = { :username => params[:login], :password => params[:password]}

    # this will let you reuse existing config
    client = CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter

    # pass in a URL to return-to on success
    @resp = client.login_to_service(self, credentials, dashboard_url)
    if @resp.is_failure?
      # if login failed, redisplay the page that has your login-form on it
      flash.now[:error] = "That username or password was not recognised. Please try again."
      @user = User.new
      render :action => 'new'
      # login_to_service has appended the new ticket onto the given URL 
      # so we redirect the user there to complete the login procedure
      return redirect_to(@resp.service_redirect_url)

At present, the two patches required to make this work are only available on my fork of rubycas-client, but I'm told they'll be pulled into master pretty soon.

Note on URLs

You have to pass in a url that the user can get to... and that is also protected by the CAS Filter. The login_to_service method really just generates a one-time ticket that can then be used on any URL that will accept that ticket (ie anything protected by the Rails::Filter) which is what does the 'real' logging-into the system. So make sure you redirect the user there... but only if it was successful (or they'll just end up at the rubyCAS-server page - which might not be a bad fall-back).

When considering what URL to start your user off with - remember that at the time we have to construct the url, we not only don't have a 'current_user' set up yet... we also don't know if the person asking for user Bob's page is actually user Bob. So if we want to redirect to the user's account page after login (eg users_path(@some_user) we have to a) guess the user's id from login, but also b) check that they could access the page *before* they successfully log in.

If you don't do this, you can potentially compromise security. For example, a malicious user might try a whole bunch of user logins. If the url is set for, say users_path(User.find_by_login(params[:login])) - that line will explode (with a routing error for trying :id = nil) for users that don't exist - conveniently telling our malicious user which logins exist (or not) on our system. This is generally considered a Bad Thing To Do.

A better idea is to have a generic url that doesn't rely on a specific id in the route. The action can pick up the current_user's id once the user is successfully logged-in. We use something like 'my_dashboard_url' or 'my_account_url' for this purpose.


[1] Setting up an app as a rubyCAS proxy server
This is something still in the eventual plans, but not yet. Mainly because it's a bit annoying that you have to have two apps running on separate servers simply so that one could be your proxy... that cross-dependency makes it a bit awkward to me. YMMV - the instructions are all in the rubycas-client rdoc

This is one article in a series on Rails single-sign-on with rubyCAS

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